How to Restart XAMPP in Linux – 2022 Guide

It’s really simple and easy to restart Xampp in Linux. It can be done by typing simple commands like start, stop and restart. Just type Restart and hit enter and Boom! But if it’s not the case then read more..

What is XAMPP?

Apache Friends developed XAMPP, a free and open-source stack package of web servers and databases. In simple words, it allows local hosts or servers to test their website and clients on computers before releasing them to their main servers with XAMPP. This platform provides a suitable environment for testing and verifying the working of projects based on Apache, Perl, MySQL database, and PHP through the host’s system.

How to Restart XAMPP in Linux

Restarting XAMPP is way too easy than you think. It can be done via simple commands, like start, stop and restart. You can restart XAMPP by stopping it first and then again starting it. Use the following command to restart XAMPP.

  • sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop
  • sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

If you want to stop/start/restart an individual service, you can add “apache”, “mysql” or “ftp” to the end. Let’s dive more deep into it.

How to Start XAMPP’s Individual Services

Starting individual services such as APACHE, MySQL or FTP can be easily done with the following commands.

First locate the LAMPP directory with the command below:

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp

Now use these Commands:

startapacheStarts only Apache
startmysqlStarts only MySQL
startftpStarts only FTP

How to Stop XAMPP’s Individual Services

Stopping individual services is also way too easy with the following commands. You just need to replace the keyword ‘START’ by ‘STOP’ and it will stop XAMPP’s individual services including APACHE, MySQL and FTPs.

Now use these Commands:

stopapacheStops only Apache
stopmysqlStops only MySQL
stopftpStops only FTP

How to Restart XAMPP’s Individual Services

For starting and stopping XAMPPs’ individual services we are using the START and STOP command. Now for Restarting the Individual services we have to use the RELOAD command for restarting the services.

reloadapacheReloads Apache
reloadmysqlReloads only MySQL
reloadftpReloads only FTP
restartStop and start XAMPP

How to Uninstall XAMPP from Linux

Now, for some reasons if you wanted to completely remove XAMPP from Linux just use the following command to remove Xampp completely from Linux.

  • sudo -i cd /opt/lampp ./uninstall
  • sudo rm -r /opt/lampp


I’ve tried to answer all queries about Starting, Stoping and Restarting XAMPP and it’s individual services. Hope it helps.

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