How to Extract Phone Number from Instagram 2022 (Solved)

I understand why you’re reading this Article. You’re looking for a convinient way to extract phone number from Instagram. If yes, look no further because you’re at the right place.

In this blog, I’m going to share 3 methods for extracting phone numbers from Instagram profiles. Without any due, Let’s dive in.

3 Ways to Extract Phone Number from Instagram

The 3 simple ways to extract phone numbers from Instagram are either by using a Python program that scrapes data from Instagram (you’ll find a couple of tutorial videos on Youtube that teaches how to extact phone numbers from Instagram),

The second way is to check it manually (if you have a small list of people whom you wanted the phone numbers, you can check it manually from instagam and also you can look for other social profiles)

The Third way is to hire someone from Freelance Platforms who do these things on a daily basis of if you are looking for a Bulk Data in any niche you can ask them and they’ll provide you the data in a very cheap price.

1. Via Python Program

Now this is really easy for those you are good at programming or have basic understanding of running an open source program. You’ll find bunch of repositories on Github that contains the source code and the documentation of the prorgam.

You’ll also find bunch of videos on Youtube that teaches how to scrape phone numbers from instagram. All you need to do is watch them carefullt and you are good to go.

Here’s a Youtube Video Explaing how to Extract Phone Number from Instgam.

I hope you understand the code, if not feel free to ask me the comments and I’ll reply to you as soon as possible.

2. Finding it Manually

If you have no experience of coding and find it really really hard to do so you can find and extract phone number from instagram manually.

You go to the person’s profile check if he add some kind of Contact section and then you’ll click on it and BOOM! There you are.

But the issue araises when you have a bunch of usernames/ids for extracting numbers. This method will not help you in that case and it’ll proved to be a Nightmare if you do so.

3. Freelance Platforms

Now let’s talk about our last and easiest way to extract numbers from Instagram is either by using some kind of tools or by hiring someone from some freelance platforms who can do the job for us and take care of everything.

You’ll find that there are people having years of expering in data scraping and they’ll easily find you the numbers you’re looking for.

Just fo to Fiverr and search there Data Scraping and then find a Gig that suits your budget and hire him so that he can take care of everything for you.


In this article, We’ve talked about the ways we can extract numbers from Instagram. 3 methods are discussed in this article and I’m sure they have helped you to scrape or extract numbers from instagram.

If you have any question and facing any trouble, feel free to comment under this blog post and I’ll be more than happy to help you.

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